Hi, I'm Lisa, "Chastity
Rose". I'm glad you found your way here today, to my little
corner of the Internet that I call Chastity Rose's Garden. It's
like a garden because it's filled with secret twists and turns, dappled with
sunshine and dotted with beauty here and there.
You, the observer, are a part of
the garden. You add beauty to it, and meaning to its existence.
I share my vision with you? I'm a spiritual
optometrist! Meaning that I love helping people find the "vision" for their lives!
you've hit a snag in life and feel that it's all over, or that you can't
find a reason to go on, a purpose or a passion...please write to me.
I'll share with you the messages I've "seen" so far and help you find your
way back to Life, and life more abundant.
you can see, I haven't been posting here for awhile. I went
through a long illness, and I'm getting back on my feet again!
Praise the Lord! I have been posting on the Blessing Meadows Ministries
site for a while now, and I hope those daily messages bless you.
I'm excited to be working on the next Secret Garden Letter, and
hope to have that ready for you soon, so check back now and then!
July 24, 2012
Hello Dear
Reader! Well,
how are you doing? It's been a bumpy ride lately in the world,
with a whole lot of chaos and misery going on. Despite all the
bad, I can say that a lot of good has happened too, and it's up to us
to process all the information on one side or another. I could
talk about my illness, or I can talk about my healing! I can look
backward to the pain and keep living it over and over as I retell it,
or I can look forward to the wonderful things in my future.
that happens to us is really teetering on the top of the scales.
It is equally true whichever way you choose to look at life, but
how you choose to look at it makes the difference in whether you've had
a good life or a bad one.
I for one don't want a bad life or to
dwell on those things. I want more out of life and the only way
to get it is to move forward with joy and peace!
Let's try to
stop speaking negative things, and try to put all the pain and sickness
behind us. Let's grab hold of the blessings of God, the promises
He's made that He will bless us and protect us and get on with living!
have 4 beautiful grand daughters through Mathew now, and my youngest
son Daniel is in college. Chris is still wanting to preach and
hoping to inspire everyone who hears his story. Rod is keeping
busy and for a 63 year old guy he's amazing at what he can do!
God has been SO good to us!
Watch the Today's Message and Previous Messages on our sister site (Blessing Meadows Ministries) until I can get the next issue of the Secret Garden Letters written.
Write to me if you'd like prayer or friendship, or just an encouraging word. God bless you in EVERY way, and LIVE!
More will be posted here soon: In the Easter issue
find out how the bad economy, the fear of 2012 and every doomsday message
can be GOOD NEWS for you!
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